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solution for a healthler, sustainable future

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The fuel house
Home fuel supplier

On our site you will find only verified information.
Many consumers are guided only by color, but in fact it is important to look at the parameters of humidity and ash content, make sure these parameters are in the manufacturer's certificates.
All pellets offered to you have the highest quality certificate from the manufacturer EN Plus A1.
Emissions such as NOx, SOx and volatile organic compounds from pellet burning equipment are in general very low in comparison to other forms of combustion heating like coal or oil or even natural gas.
The energy content of wood pellets is approximately 5 MWh/ton (~7450 BTU/lb), 14.4-20.3 MJ/kg.
We offer white pellets for sensitive boilers (high hygroscopicity but minimum ash content)
We offer high-energy hardwood pellets - larch (can be stored for years without absorbing moisture)

We offer mixed pellets (Ignite quickly but burn for a long time)
We offer organic pellets from the virgin forests, which is called the Lungs of the planet, where no man has gone before, the largest source of softwood in the world.

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Grinding. The raw material enters the crusher and is crushed to a given fraction;
Screening allows you to make sure that there are no foreign impurities such as sand, the presence of which can increase the ash content and adversely affect the operation of the boiler.
Drying. The resulting raw material is dried to the percentage of moisture specified by the technology; the best pellets are up to 8 percent, standards allow up to 10 percent.
Pressing. The dried raw material enters the press granulator, in which it is pressed into granules of a given length and diameter, as a result of compression, friction, adiabatic processes, the temperature can reach 120 ° C, as a result, thermal energy is generated that softens the lignin and the particles naturally stick together into granules . This process is called pelletization;
Cooling. To ensure the strength of the fuel pellets, the pellets are cooled after the pressing;
Screening allows you to make sure that both fine dust and foreign objects are absent.
Packing and sending to the consumer.
Emissions such as NOx, SOx and volatile organic compounds from pellet burning equipment are in general very low in comparison to other forms of combustion heating like coal or oil or even natural gas.
The energy content of wood pellets is approximately 5 MWh/ton (~7450 BTU/lb), 14.4-20.3 MJ/kg.

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